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Oklahoma Health Aging Initiative – Oklahoma Dementia Care Network

Contact: Keith Kleszynski

Position: Associate Director

Phone Number: 405-271-8558

Address: 1122 NE 13th Street ORB 1200
Oklahoma City, OK 73117

To improve the health and quality of life of older Oklahomans and their caregivers through community-based health education and outreach.

OHAI understands that good health is key to successful aging. We focus on improving the health of older adults across the state through caregiver training and health promotion education, including classes on fall prevention, diabetes management, and caregiver support, among others. With five locations across the state, OHAI provides health education to all 77 counties. The Oklahoma Healthy Aging (OHAI) was established in 2012 by a grant from the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OKHealthyAging

Counties Served: All Counties

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