Join the Oklahoma Caregiver Coalition

The mission of the Oklahoma Caregiver Coalition (OCC) is to improve the supports and experiences over the lifespan of family caregivers through education, advocacy, and access to resources.

The OCC was formed at the end of 2016 as a result of DHS Aging Services receiving Lifespan Respite Grant funding from the Administration for Community Living. The OCC has a collection of over 100 public and private partners striving to develop and sustain various areas of support for primary caregivers. The careful work and planning of the OCC partners has produced a strategic plan to determine goals and objectives in addressing the needs of Oklahoma caregivers.

The OCC meets quarterly to discuss pressing caregiver issues as a whole and provides an opportunity for the focused subcommittees to network. Each OCC partner determines which of the nine subcommittees to serve that best fits their expertise or interest. The subcommittees include:


  • Advancement (fundraising, grant writing, marketing)
  • Advocacy (legislative and systems)
  • Respite (a temporary break from caregiving duties)
  • Grandparents and other Relatives Raising Children
  • Transportation
  • Psychosocial supports (mental health, counseling, support groups)
  • Legal and financial assistance (for caregivers)
  • Home safety/modifications/health care
  • Employer/Employee Engagement Initiative (meeting the needs of employed caregivers)

If you would like to be a OK Caregiver Coalition Partner or interested in more information email

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